Human Hair and Human Hair Bundles:  How to Tell the Difference Between 7A and 8A Grade Human Hair

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Human Hair and Human Hair Bundles: How to Tell the Difference Between 7A and 8A Grade Human Hair

Hey Queens!  I have made a few videos about Hair Grades and you already know how I feel about the Grade System.  It can be pretty confusing and is typically a way to get women to pay more for hair that could be the same with little to no difference between the grades.

So, for those of you who LIVE by the hair grade, over the next few videos, I will break down what I have put together over the past two years about the common grades of hair.

As I have mentioned before, in previous videos, all grades are not created equal.  One company’s 7A may be different from another company’s 7A.  But here are the common things I have learned about companies that sell 7A & 8A Grade Hair.

7A Grade Hair is 100% Human Hair (it can also be a synthetic mix - so be careful) that has been heavily processed with acid.  Since the hair is from multiple donors, the cuticles do not run in the same direction, so the look isn’t as smooth.  7A has a lot of short hairs (which is used for fillers) and can only be dyed to colors #1, #2 and #4.

8A Grade is 100% Human Hair, can only be dyed to colors #1, #2, and #4 (just like 7A Grade Human Hair).  The major difference here is instead of multiple hair donors it is two hair donors.

Make sure you follow us on Instagram and Facebook and visit to join our newsletter and receive a mystery gift or discount code you can use on your first A Queendom Human Hair Purchase.  

You can also subscribe to A Queendom TV on YouTube for our latest videos on women’s issues, our latest products, and other Queen related news.  

If you have any questions and want to learn more about A Queendom and how we can help you with your human hair product needs, don’t hesitate to connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  Until next time, remember to unleash your inner beauty, extend your outer grace and celebrate each other’s uniqueness.

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